Monday, November 15, 2010

Interview 2- Jill Smith

Q - So challenge day is next week, did you go last year?
A - I did

Q-Mainly with all of your friends, right ?
A- Yes

Q- What kind of things happened that day?
A- Uhm, it was weird. When we first walked in there was a tunnel of teachers and they were highfiving and cheering, it wasn't intimidating, just awkward to go through. You don't really do that everyday.

Q- What kind of activities and events did you participate in?
A- There was a bunch of games at the beginning of the day; crossing the room and stuff and they made you sit with people that you dont usually talk to, so I sat with Sam Faegan and some other girl I don't know.

Q- How awkward was that for you?
A- Not too awkward, I'm pretty social. Bugged Sam for a bit, the usual.

Q- I hear you have to do something called "If you really knew me" to your groups. Tell me about that, what is it?
A- Uhm, they put you in groups with people you don't talk to and one teacher, and you say something like "If you really knew me, you'd know..." and then you'd tell something personal about yourself and your group would touch you and comfort you and stuff.

Q- I bet that dug up some tear-jerking memories?
A- Yeah, I talked about my Granny. The teacher in our group talked about his divorce, another teacher talked about how they had cancer.

Q- Wow, that's really intense. How did you take it? Was it hard for you?
A- Yeah, because you really just think your teacher is a dick until you find out that he's divorced, his kids hate him and he thinks its all his fault. It makes you want to respect him more.

Q- You gained a new level of respect from this?
A- Yeah, because you dont know but then you're like "oh, they have a hard life. I shouldnt harrass them anymore".

Q- You'd say it was a worth while experience?
A- Yep definitely and you get a free lunch and timbits so it was definitely worth while. You also patch up things with new and old friends.

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